Fitness Selfies & Why I Love Them

Monday, 13 June 2016

I've seen a lot of selfie-love floating around on the internet lately and I think it's amazing. I also read this awesome post by Dainty Alice about celebrating selfies and it really inspired me. Why shouldn't we be proud of showing how beautiful we feel? Then I started thinking about how people have been shunning gym selfies for a while now too, but I'm here to tell you why they're actually pretty awesome.
 The truth is, I take the all the time! Sometimes just for progress pics, other times just because I feel great about my body and I want to capture that. 

Celebrating a better you

Staying fit is hard. Losing weight is hard. Getting your body to look the way you want it to can be long and lonely journey. Gym selfies are a way to show the world how proud you are of your success and the pay-off for all of your hard work. Living a healthier lifestyle and becoming a better version of yourself is amazing! It needs to be celebrated more often, rather than scorned by others who are threatened by success. Feeling great about yourself is the kind of positive energy the world needs more of. Posting a picture that you're proud of is a great way to celebrate your success!

Fitspo at it's best

One of the things I love most about seeing people post fitness selfies, is that I find them incredibly inspirational. I now know the amount of hard work that goes into a fit looking body, so every time I see someone on Instagram it makes me want to work harder. Even just your everyday person feeling great about working out makes me happy just by seeing it. These selfies keep me working hard, and I know I'm not the only one it inspires.

Confidence boost

Just one of the many benefits of having a fitness routine is gaining confidence in yourself. I was a much shyer version of myself before I got stuck in at the gym and found what I loved. Back then, I would never have posted any kind of fitness selfie. I wasn't over-weight or anything, but confident in my body? Nope, not like I am now. When I did post a few selfies and got some really lovely comments back from people, it felt great! It boosted my confidence so much that it made me feel better about posting more. Next time you're feeling proud, share it and maybe you'll inspire others to feel good too!

To look in the mirror and say that your proud of your body, and also feel yourself loving it more everyday is a very powerful thing. Celebrate it in any way you feel comfortable, and encourage others to do the same.

How do you feel about fitness selfies?

Steph x. 


  1. I love fitness selfless. I actually find them quite inspiring to be a better me. I'm gonna start taking pics of myself and not see it as being vain but documenting times in my life when I'm really happy with the way I look. Great post Hun xx

    1. I'm so glad! They really are great inspiration. OMG Yes! For me, it's never for attention, but just me saying "I've worked really hard and I'm so proud of myself!" Go for it lovely!
      Steph x.

  2. Love this Steph! :) I definitely agree with everything you have said. I still get nervous posting pics but they really help me focus and I feel like I am gaining confidence. I love being able to see progress as it motivates me to keep pushing too! xx

    Lucy x |~ SweetIsAlwaysInStyle || Lifestyle Blog ~

    1. Thanks so much, Lucy! I absolutely love it when you post fitness selfies on Instagram! It honestly inspires me so much! Same here, it gives you great confidence. I've never in my life felt better about just having a crop top on. Being a fit chick is awesome, right? : )
      Steph x.

  3. Fitness selfies are pretty much how I keep on track, when I see improvements physically, rather than on the scale I'm less likely to give it up! I've managed to drop 12 inches and 3 pounds since before Christmas, but I had to stop training for a bit because I sustained an injury to my foot.

    All that aside I'm ready to get back on track! x
